as a post-processing tool¶
This is a description of how to use wannier90
as a post-processing
The code must be run twice. On the first pass either the logical keyword
must be set to .true.
in the input file
or the code must be run with the command line option
. Running the code then generates the file seedname.nnkp
provides the information required to construct the
\(M_{mn}^{(\mathbf{k,b})}\) overlaps (Ref. 1, Eq. (25)) and
\(A_{mn}^{(\mathbf{k})}\) (Ref. 1, Eq. (62);
Ref. 2, Eq. (22)).
Once the overlaps and projection have been computed and written to files
and seedname.amn
, respectively, set postproc_setup
and run the code. Output is written to the file
OUTPUT, if \(\verb#postproc_setup#=\verb#.true.#\)
The file seedname.nnkp
provides the information needed to determine
the required overlap elements \(M_{mn}^{(\mathbf{k,b})}\) and projections
\(A_{mn}^{(\mathbf{k})}\). It is written automatically when the code is
invoked with the -pp
command-line option (or when
in seedname.win
. There should be no need for
the user to edit this file.
Much of the information in seedname.nnkp
is arranged in blocks
delimited by the strings begin block_name
... end block_name
, as
described below.
The first line of the file is a user comment, e.g., the date and time:
File written on 12Feb2006 at 15:13:12
The only logical keyword is calc_only_A
, eg,
calc_only_A : F
begin real_lattice
2.250000 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 2.250000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000 2.250000
end real_lattice
The real lattice vectors in units of Angstrom.
begin recip_lattice
2.792527 0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 2.792527 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000 2.792527
end recip_lattice
The reciprocal lattice vectors in units of inverse Angstrom.
begin kpoints
0.00000 0.00000 0.00000
0.00000 0.50000 0.00000
0.50000 0.50000 0.50000
end kpoints
The first line in the block is the total number of k-points num_kpts
The subsequent num_kpts
lines specify the k-points in crystallographic
co-ordinates relative to the reciprocal lattice vectors.
begin projections
centre l mr r
z-axis x-axis zona
centre l mr r
z-axis x-axis zona
end projections
: integer; the number of projection centres, equal to the number
of MLWF num_wann
: three real numbers; projection function centre in
crystallographic co-ordinates relative to the direct lattice vectors.
l mr r
: three integers; \(l\) and \(m_\mathrm{r}\) specify the angular
part \(\Theta_{lm_{\mathrm{r}}}(\theta,\varphi)\), and \(\mathrm{r}\)
specifies the radial part \(R_{\mathrm{r}}(r)\) of the projection function
(see Tables 3.1{reference-type="ref"
reference="tab:angular"}, 3.2{reference-type="ref"
reference="tab:hybrids"} and 3.3{reference-type="ref"
: three real numbers; default is 0.0 0.0 1.0
; defines the axis
from which the polar angle \(\theta\) in spherical polar coordinates is
: three real numbers; must be orthogonal to z-axis
; default is
1.0 0.0 0.0
or a vector perpendicular to z-axis
if z-axis
given; defines the axis from with the azimuthal angle \(\varphi\) in
spherical polar coordinates is measured.
: real number; the value of \(\frac{Z}{a}\) associated with the
radial part of the atomic orbital. Units are in reciprocal Angstrom.
begin spinor_projections
centre l mr r
z-axis x-axis zona
spin spn_quant
centre l mr r
z-axis x-axis zona
spin spn_quant
end spinor_projections
Notes: Only one of projections and spinor_projections should be defined.
Variables are the same as the projections block with the addition of
and spn_quant
: integer. '1' or '-1' to denote projection onto up or down
: three real numbers. Defines the spin quantisation axis in
Cartesian coordinates.
begin nnkpts
1 2 0 0 0
end nnkpts
First line: nntot
, the number of nearest neighbours belonging to each
k-point of the Monkhorst-Pack mesh
Subsequent lines: nntot
lines, ie, nntot
lines of
data for each k-point of the mesh.
Each line of consists of 5 integers. The first is the k-point number
. The second to the fifth specify it's nearest neighbours
\(\mathbf{k+b}\): the second integer points to the k-point that is the
periodic image of the \(\mathbf{k+b}\) that we want; the last three
integers give the G-vector, in reciprocal lattice units, that brings the
k-point specified by the second integer (which is in the first BZ) to
the actual \(\mathbf{k+b}\) that we need.
begin exclude_bands
end exclude_bands
To exclude bands (independent of k-point) from the calculation of the overlap and projection matrices, for example to ignore shallow-core states. The first line is the number of states to exclude, the following lines give the states for be excluded.
[]{#sec:auto-projections-block label="sec:auto-projections-block"}auto_projections
begin auto_projections
end auto_projections
This block is only printed if auto_projections=true
in the input. The
choice of an additional block has been made in order to maintain
back-compatibility with codes that interface with wannier90
, e.g.
. The first entry in the block (in the example above, 8
is the total number of target projections and it is equal to the number
of sought Wannier functions.
The second entry is a reserved flag with the value of zero. The implementations of the interface codes MUST check for this value to be zero and stop otherwise. In the future, one possible extension that we plan is to combine the automatic generation of initial projections with the selection of projections via a projections block. This will allow the user to specify only a subset of initial projections in the projections block and leave the interface code to automatically generate the remaining ones. In that case the constraint on the second entry will be lifted, so that it can take on the meaning of the number of projections that need to be generated automatically.
The selected columns of the density matrix (SCDM)
method 3 is one way of generating the initial
\(A_{mn}^{(\mathbf{k})}\) in an automatic way. This has been implemented
in the pw2wannier90
interface code (you need v6.3 with the files
provided in the pwscf
folder of Wannier90, or v6.4), see for instance
Example 27 in the wannier90
tutorial that shows how to use it.
Moreover, also the automatic generation of initial projections with
spinor WFs is implemented in the pw2wannier90
interface. See Example
31 in the wannier90
tutorial that shows how to use it.
Another automatic projection method is projectability-disentangled Wannier function (PDWF) 4, which uses pseudo-atomic orbitals inside pseudopotentials as initial guesses. See Example 34 and 35.
An example of projections¶
As a concrete example: one wishes to have a set of four sp\(^3\)
projection orbitals on, say, a carbon atom at (0.5,0.5,0.5) in
fractional co-ordinates relative to the direct lattice vectors. In this
case seedname.win
will contain the following lines:
begin projections
end projections
and seedname.nnkp
, generated on the first pass of wannier90
), will contain:
begin projections
0.50000 0.50000 0.50000 -1 1 1
0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 2.00
0.50000 0.50000 0.50000 -1 2 1
0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 2.00
0.50000 0.50000 0.50000 -1 3 1
0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 2.00
0.50000 0.50000 0.50000 -1 4 1
0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 2.00
end projections
where the first line tells us that in total four projections are specified, and the subsquent lines provide the projection centre, the angular and radial parts of the orbital (see Section 3.4{reference-type="ref" reference="sec:orbital-defs"} for definitions), the \(z\) and \(x\) axes, and the diffusivity and cut-off radius for the projection orbital.
[pwscf]{.smallcaps}, or any other ab initio electronic structure code,
then reads seedname.nnkp
file, calculates the projections and writes
them to seedname.amn
The file seedname.mmn
contains the overlaps \(M_{mn}^{(\mathbf{k,b})}\).
First line: a user comment, e.g., the date and time
Second line: 3 integers: num_bands
, num_kpts
, nntot
Then: \(\verb#num_kpts#\times\verb#nntot#\) blocks of data:
First line of each block: 5 integers. The first specifies the
\(\mathbf{k}\) (i.e., gives the ordinal corresponding to its position in
the list of k-points in seedname.win
). The 2nd to 5th integers specify
\(\mathbf{k+b}\). The 2nd integer, in particular, points to the k-point on
the list that is a periodic image of \(\mathbf{k+b}\), and in particular
is the image that is actually mentioned in the list. The last three
integers specify the \(\mathbf{G}\) vector, in reciprocal lattice units,
that brings the k-point specified by the second integer, and that thus
lives inside the first BZ zone, to the actual \(\mathbf{k+b}\) that we
Subsequent \(\verb#num_bands#\times\verb#num_bands#\) lines of each block: two real numbers per line. These are the real and imaginary parts, respectively, of the actual scalar product \(M_{mn}^{(\mathbf{k,b})}\) for \(m,n \in [1,\verb#num_bands#]\). The order of these elements is such that the first index \(m\) is fastest.
The file seedname.amn
contains the projection \(A_{mn}^{(\mathbf{k})}\).
First line: a user comment, e.g., the date and time
Second line: 3 integers: num_bands
, num_kpts
, num_wann
\(\verb#num_bands#\times\verb#num_wann#\times\verb#num_kpts#\) lines: 3
integers and 2 real numbers on each line. The first two integers are the
band index \(m\) and the projection index \(n\), respectively. The third
integer specifies the \(\mathbf{k}\) by giving the ordinal corresponding
to its position in the list of \(k\)-points in seedname.win
. The real
numbers are the real and imaginary parts, respectively, of the actual
The file seedname.dmn
contains the data needed to construct
symmetry-adapted Wannier functions 5. Required if
site_symmetry = .true.
First line: a user comment, e.g., the date and time
Second line: 4 integers: num_bands
, nsymmetry
, nkptirr
: the number of symmetry operations\
: the number of irreducible k-points
Blank line
integers: Mapping between full k- and irreducible k-points.
Each k-point is related to some k-point in the irreducible BZ. The
information of this mapping is written. Each entry corresponds to a
k-point in the full BZ, in the order in which they appear in the k-point
list in seedname.win
file. The (integer) value of each entry is the
k-point index in the IBZ to which the k-point maps. The number of unique
values is equal to the number of k-points in the IBZ. The data is
written 10 values per line.
Blank line
integers: List of irreducible k-points. Each entry corresponds
to a k-point of the IBZ. The (integer) value of each entry is the
k-point index corresponding to the k-point list in seedname.win
The values should be between 1 and num_kpts
. The data is written 10
values per line.
Blank line
blocks of nsymmetry
integer data (each block separated by a
blank line): List of k-points obtained by acting the symmetry operations
on the irreducible k-points. The data is written 10 values per line.
Blank line
\(\verb#nsymmetry# \times \verb#nkptirr#\) blocks of data:\
The information of \(D\) matrix in Eq. (15) of Ref. 5. Each
block contains \(\verb#num_wann# \times \verb#num_wann#\) lines and is
separated by a blank line. The data are stored in
\(\verb#m#, \verb#n# \in [1,\verb#num_wann#]\),
\(\verb#isym# \in [1,\verb#nsymmetry#]\), and
\(\verb#ikirr# \in [1,\verb#nkptirr#]\). The order of the elements is such
that left indices run faster than right indices (m
: fastest, ikirr
Blank line
\(\verb#nsymmetry# \times \verb#nkptirr#\) blocks of data:\
The information of \(\tilde d\) matrix in Eq. (17) of
Ref. 5. Each block contains
\(\verb#num_bands# \times \verb#num_bands#\) lines and is separated by a
blank line. The data are stored in d_matrix_band(m,n,isym,ikirr)
\(\verb#m#, \verb#n# \in [1,\verb#num_bands#]\),
\(\verb#isym# \in [1,\verb#nsymmetry#]\), and
\(\verb#ikirr# \in [1,\verb#nkptirr#]\). The order of the elements is such
that left indices run faster than right indices (m
: fastest, ikirr
Required if any of disentanglement
, plot_bands
, plot_fermi_surface
or write_hr
are .true.
The file seedname.eig
contains the Kohn-Sham eigenvalues
\(\varepsilon_{n\mathbf{k}}\) (in eV) at each point in the Monkhorst-Pack
Each line consist of two integers and a real number. The first integer
is the band index, the second integer gives the ordinal corresponding to
the \(k\)-point in the list of \(k\)-points in seedname.win
, and the real
number is the eigenvalue.
1 1 -6.43858831271328
2 1 19.3977795287297
3 1 19.3977795287297
4 1 19.3977795287298
Interface with pwscf¶
Interfaces between wannier90
and many ab-initio codes such as
[pwscf]{.smallcaps}, abinit (http://www.abinit.org), siesta
(http://www.icmab.es/siesta/), fleur, VASP and Wien2k
(http://www.wien2k.at) are available. Here we describe the seamless
interface between wannier90
and [pwscf]{.smallcaps}, a plane-wave DFT
code that comes as part of the Quantum ESPRESSO package (see
http://www.quantum-espresso.org). You will need to download and
compile [pwscf]{.smallcaps} (i.e., the pw.x
code) and the
post-processing interface pw2wannier90.x
. Please refer to the
documentation that comes with the Quantum ESPRESSO distribution for
Run 'scf'/'nscf' calculation(s) with
to generateseedname.nnkp
. First it reads an input file, e.g.,seedname.pw2wan
, which definesprefix
for the underlying 'scf' calculation, as well as the name of the fileseedname.nnkp
, and does a consistency check between the direct and reciprocal lattice vectors read fromseedname.nnkp
and those defined in the files specified byprefix
files are additionally created whenwrite_dmn = .true.
(see below). -
to disentangle bands (if required), localise MLWF, and use MLWF for plotting, bandstructures, Fermi surfaces etc.
Examples of how the interface with [pwscf]{.smallcaps} works are given
in the wannier90
A number of keywords may be specified in the pw2wannier90
input file:
-- Location to write output files. Default is`./'
-- Prefix for the [pwscf]{.smallcaps} calculation. Default is` '
-- Seedname for thewannier90
calculation. Default is`wannier'
-- Spin component. Takes values`up'
(default). -
-- Either`standalone'
(default) or`library'
-- Set to.true.
to write the periodic part of the Bloch functions for plotting inwannier90
. Default is.false.
-- Set to.true.
to reduce file-size (and resolution) of Bloch functions by a factor of 8. Default is.false.
(only relevant ifwrite_unk=.true.
Note that there is a small bug with this feature in v3.2 (and subsequent patches) of
. Please use a later version (if available) or the CVS version ofpw2wannier90.f90
, which has been fixed. -
-- Set to.true.
to write formatted wavefunctions. Default is.false.
(only relevant ifwrite_unk=.true.
) -
-- Set to.false.
if \(A_{mn}^{(\mathbf{k})}\) not required. Default is.true.
-- Set to.false.
if \(M_{mn}^{(\mathbf{k,b})}\) not required. Default is.true.
-- Set to.true.
to write out the matrix elements of \(S\) between Bloch states (non-collinear spin calculation only). Default is.false.
-- Set to.true.
to write spn data as a formatted file. Default is.false.
(only relevant ifwrite_spn=.true.
) -
-- Set to.true.
to write out the matrix elements \(\(\langle u_{n{\bf k}+{\bf b}_1}\vert H_{\bf k}\vert u_{m{\bf k}+{\bf b}_2}\rangle.\)\) Default is.false.
-- Set to.true.
to write uHu data as a formatted file. Default is.false.
(only relevant ifwrite_uHu=.true.
) -
-- Set to.true.
to write out the matrix elements of \(\(\langle u_{n{\bf k}+{\bf b}_1}\vert u_{m{\bf k}+{\bf b}_2}\rangle.\)\) Default is.false.
-- Set to.true.
to write uIu data as a formatted file. Default is.false.
(only relevant ifwrite_uIu=.true.
) -
-- Set to.true.
to write the first few Fourier components of the periodic parts of the Bloch functions. -
-- Set to.true.
to construct symmetry-adapted Wannier functions. Default is.false.
-- Set to.true.
to customize symmetry operations to be used in symmetry-adapted mode. Whenread_sym = .true.
, an additional inputseedname.sym
is required. Default is.false.
(only relevant ifwrite_dmn=.true.
). -
-- Set to.true.
to use pseudo-atomic orbitals for computingamn
. Default is.false.
. -
-- A list of integers specifying the indices of pseudo-atomic projectors to be excluded from computingamn
. Used only whenatom_proj = .true.
. No default. -
-- Set to.true.
to use external pseudo-atomic orbitals for computingamn
, will read data files from directoryatom_proj_dir
. Used only whenatom_proj = .true.
. Default is.false.
. -
-- A string specifying the directory for external pseudo-atomic projectors. Used only whenatom_proj = .true.
andatom_proj_ext = .true.
. No default.
For examples of use, refer to the wannier90
If read_sym = .true.
, then this additional input file is required for
if read_sym = .false.
, then this file is written by pw2wannier90.x
(only for reference -- it is not used in subsequent calculations)
The file seedname.sym
contains the information of symmetry operations
used to create symmetry-adapted Wannier functions. If
read_sym = .false.
(default), pw2wannier90.x
uses the full symmetry
recognized by pw.x
. If read_sym = .true.
, you can specify symmetry
operations to be used in symmetry-adapted mode.
First line: an integer: nsymmetry
(number of symmetry operations)
Second line: blank
Then: nsymmetry
blocks of data. Each block (separated by a blank line)
consists of four lines. The order of the data in each block is as
R(1,1) R(2,1) R(3,1)
R(1,2) R(2,2) R(3,2)
R(1,3) R(2,3) R(3,3)
t(1) t(2) t(3)
Here, \(R\) is the rotational part of symmetry operations (\(3\times3\)
matrix), and \(\bf t\) is the fractional translation in the unit of
" (refer the definition of "alat
" to the manual of
[pwscf]{.smallcaps}). Both data are given in Cartesian coordinates. The
symmetry operations act on a point \(\bf r\) as \({\bf r} R - {\bf t}\).
N. Marzari and D. Vanderbilt. Maximally localized generalized wannier functions for composite energy bands. Phys. Rev. B, 56:12847, 1997. ↩↩
I. Souza, N. Marzari, and D. Vanderbilt. Maximally localized wannier functions for entangled energy bands. Phys. Rev. B, 65:035109, 2001. ↩
A. Damle and L. Lin. Disentanglement via entanglement: A unified method for Wannier localization. ArXiv e-prints, March 2017. URL: http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2017arXiv170306958D, arXiv:1703.06958. ↩
Junfeng Qiao, Giovanni Pizzi, and Nicola Marzari. Projectability disentanglement for accurate and automated electronic-structure Hamiltonians. npj Comput. Mater., 9(1):208, Nov 2023. doi:10.1038/s41524-023-01146-w. ↩
R. Sakuma. Symmetry-adapted wannier functions in the maximal localization procedure. Phys. Rev. B, 87:235109, 2013. ↩↩↩