can be run in parallel using MPI libraries to reduce the
computation time.
For serial execution use: wannier90.x [-pp] [seedname]
: If a seedname string is given the code will read its input from a
. The default value iswannier
. One can also equivalently provide the
instead ofseedname
. -
: This optional flag tells the code to generate a list of the required overlaps and then exit. This information is written to the fileseedname.nnkp
For parallel execution use:
mpirun -np NUMPROCS wannier90.x [-pp] [seedname]
: substitute with the number of processors that you want to use.
Note that the mpirun
command and command-line flags may be different
in your MPI implementation: read your MPI manual or ask your computer
Note also that this requires that the wannier90.x
executable has been
compiled in its parallel version (follow the instructions in the file
in the main directory of the wannier90 distribution)
and that the MPI libraries and binaries are installed and correctly
configured on your machine.
The wannier90
input file
has a flexible free-form
The ordering of the keywords is not significant. Case is ignored (so
is the same as Num_Bands
). Characters after !, or # are
treated as comments. Most keywords have a default value that is used
unless the keyword is given in
. Keywords can be set in
any of the following ways
A logical keyword can be set to true
using any of the following
strings: T
, true
, .true.
For further examples see Section 10.1{reference-type="ref"
reference="winfile"} and the the wannier90
Keyword List¶
Keyword Type Description
System Parameters
num_wann I Number of WF
num_bands I Number of bands passed to the code
unit_cell_cart P Unit cell vectors in Cartesian coordinates
atoms_cart * P Positions of atoms in Cartesian coordinates
atoms_frac * R Positions of atoms in fractional coordinates with respect to the lattice vectors
mp_grid I Dimensions of the Monkhorst-Pack grid of k-points
kpoints R List of k-points in the Monkhorst-Pack grid
gamma_only L Wavefunctions from underlying ab initio calculation are manifestly real
spinors L WF are spinors
shell_list I Which shells to use in finite difference formula
search_shells I The number of shells to search when determining finite difference formula
skip_B1_tests L Check the condition B1 of Ref. 1
nnkpts I Explicit list of nearest-neighbour k-points.
kmesh_tol R The tolerance to control if two kpoint belong to the same shell
file keywords defining the system. Argument types are represented by, I for a integer, R for a real number, P for a physical value, L for a logical value and S for a text string.\ * atoms_cart and atoms_frac may not both be defined in the same input file. ::: :::
::: center ::: {#parameter_keywords2}
Keyword Type Description
Job Control
postproc_setup L To output the `seedname.nnkp` file
exclude_bands I List of bands to exclude from the calculation
select_projections I List of projections to use in Wannierisation
auto_projections L To automatically generate initial projections
restart S Restart from checkpoint file
iprint I Output verbosity level
length_unit S System of units to output lengths
wvfn_formatted L Read the wavefunctions from a (un)formatted file
spin S Which spin channel to read
devel_flag S Flag for development use
timing_level I Determines amount of timing information written to output
optimisation I Optimisation level
translate_home_cell L To translate final Wannier centres to home unit cell when writing xyz file write_xyz L To write atomic positions and final centres in xyz file format write_vdw_data L To write data for futher processing by w90vdw utility write_hr_diag L To write the diagonal elements of the Hamiltonian in the Wannier basis to seedname.wout (in eV)
file keywords defining job control. Argument types are represented by, I for a integer, R for a real number, P for a physical value, L for a logical value and S for a text string. translate_home_cell only relevant if write_xyz is.true.
::: :::
::: center ::: {#parameter_keywords4}
Keyword Type Description
Disentanglement Parameters
dis_win_min P Bottom of the outer energy window
dis_win_max P Top of the outer energy window
dis_froz_min P Bottom of the inner (frozen) energy window
dis_froz_max P Top of the inner (frozen) energy window
dis_froz_proj L To activate projectability disentanglement
dis_proj_min P Lower threshold for projectability disentanglement
dis_proj_max P Upper threshold for projectability disentanglement
dis_num_iter I Number of iterations for the minimisation of \(\Omega_{\mathrm{I}}\)
dis_mix_ratio R Mixing ratio during the minimisation of \(\Omega_{\mathrm{I}}\)
dis_conv_tol R The convergence tolerance for finding \(\Omega_{\mathrm{I}}\)
dis_conv_window I The number of iterations over which convergence of \(\Omega_{\mathrm{I}}\) is assessed.
dis_spheres_num I Number of spheres in k-space where disentaglement is performed
dis_spheres_first_wann I Index of the first band to be considered a Wannier function
dis_spheres R List of centres and radii, for disentanglement only in spheres
file keywords controlling the disentanglement. Argument types are represented by, I for a integer, R for a real number, P for a physical value, L for a logical value and S for a text string. ::: :::
::: center ::: {#parameter_keywords5}
Keyword Type Description
Wannierise Parameters
num_iter I Number of iterations for the minimisation of \(\Omega\)
num_cg_steps I During the minimisation of \(\Omega\) the number of Conjugate Gradient steps before resetting to Steepest Descents
conv_window I The number of iterations over which convergence of \(\Omega\) is assessed
conv_tol P The convergence tolerance for finding \(\Omega\)
precond L Use preconditioning
conv_noise_amp R The amplitude of random noise applied towards end of minimisation procedure
conv_noise_num I The number of times random noise is applied
num_dump_cycles I Control frequency of check-pointing
num_print_cycles I Control frequency of printing
write_r2mn L Write matrix elements of \(r^2\) between WF to file
guiding_centres L Use guiding centres
num_guide_cycles I Frequency of guiding centres
num_no_guide_iter I The number of iterations after which guiding centres are used
trial_step * R The trial step length for the parabolic line search during the minimisation of \(\Omega\)
fixed_step * R The fixed step length to take during the minimisation of \(\Omega\), instead of doing a parabolic line search
use_bloch_phases ** L To use phases for initial projections
site_symmetry*** L To construct symmetry-adapted Wannier functions
symmetrize_eps*** R The convergence tolerance used in the symmetry-adapted mode
slwf_num I The number of objective WFs for selective localization
slwf_constrain L Whether to constrain the centres of the objective WFs
slwf_lambda R Value of the Lagrange multiplier for constraining the objective WFs
slwf_centres P The centres to which the objective WFs are to be constrained
file keywords controlling the wannierisation. Argument types are represented by, I for a integer, R for a real number, P for a physical value, L for a logical value and S for a text string. * fixed_step and trial_step may not both be defined in the same input file. **Cannot be used in conjunction with disentanglement. ***Cannot be used in conjunction with the inner (frozen) energy window. ::: :::
::: {#parameter_keywords6}
Keyword Type Description
Plot Parameters
wannier_plot L Plot the WF
wannier_plot_list I List of WF to plot
wannier_plot_supercell I Size of the supercell for plotting the WF
wannier_plot_format S File format in which to plot the WF
wannier_plot_mode S Mode in which to plot the WF, molecule or crystal
wannier_plot_radius R Cut-off radius of WF\*
wannier_plot_scale R Scaling parameter for cube files
wannier_plot_spinor_mode S Quantity to plot for spinor WF
wannier_plot_spinor_phase L Include the "phase" when plotting spinor WF
bands_plot L Plot interpolated band structure
kpoint_path P K-point path for the interpolated band structure
bands_num_points I Number of points along the first section of the k-point path
bands_plot_format S File format in which to plot the interpolated bands
bands_plot_project I WF to project the band structure onto
bands_plot_mode S Slater-Koster type interpolation or Hamiltonian cut-off
bands_plot_dim I Dimension of the system
fermi_surface_plot L Plot the Fermi surface
fermi_surface_num_points I Number of points in the Fermi surface plot
fermi_energy P The Fermi energy
fermi_energy_min P Lower limit of the Fermi energy range
fermi_energy_max P Upper limit of the Fermi energy range
fermi_energy_step R Step for increasing the Fermi energy in the specified range
fermi_surface_plot_format S File format for the Fermi surface plot
[hr_plot]{style="color: red"} L [This parameter is not used anymore. Use write_hr instead.]{style="color: red"}
[write_hr]{style="color: blue"} L [Write the Hamiltonian in the WF basis]{style="color: blue"}
[write_rmn ]{style="color: blue"} L [Write the position operator in the WF basis]{style="color: blue"}
[write_bvec ]{style="color: blue"} L [Write to file the matrix elements of the bvectors and their weights]{style="color: blue"}
[write_tb ]{style="color: blue"} L [Write lattice vectors, Hamiltonian, and position operator in WF basis]{style="color: blue"}
hr_cutoff P Cut-off for the absolute value of the Hamiltonian
dist_cutoff P Cut-off for the distance between WF
dist_cutoff_mode S Dimension in which the distance between WF is calculated
translation_centre_frac R Centre of the unit cell to which final WF are translated
[use_ws_distance ]{style="color: blue"} L [Improve interpolation using minimum distance between WFs, see Chap. [chap:interpolation]]{style="color: blue"} [ws_distance_tol ]{style="color: blue"} R [Absolute tolerance for the distance to equivalent positions.]{style="color: blue"} [ws_search_size ]{style="color: blue"} I [Maximum extension in each direction of the super-cell of the Born-von Karmann cell to search for points inside the Wigner-Seitz cell]{style="color: blue"} [write_u_matrices ]{style="color: blue"} L [Write \(\mathbf{U}^{(\mathbf{k})}\) and \(\mathbf{U}^{\mathrm{dis}(\mathbf{k})}\) matrices to files]{style="color: blue"}
file keywords controlling the plotting. Argument types are represented by, I for a integer, R for a real number, P for a physical value, L for a logical value and S for a text string. * Only applies when wannier_plot_format iscube
. :::
::: center ::: {#parameter_keywords7}
Keyword Type Description
Transport Parameters
transport L Calculate quantum conductance and density of states
transport_mode S Bulk or left-lead_conductor_right-lead calculation
tran_win_min P Bottom of the energy window for transport calculation
tran_win_max P Top of the energy window for transport calculation
tran_energy_step R Sampling interval of the energy values
fermi_energy R The Fermi energy
tran_num_bb I Size of a bulk Hamiltonian
tran_num_ll I Size of a left-lead Hamiltonian
tran_num_rr I Size of a right-lead Hamiltonian
tran_num_cc I Size of a conductor Hamiltonian
tran_num_lc I Number of columns in a left-lead_conductor Hamiltonian
tran_num_cr I Number of rows in a conductor_right-lead Hamiltonian
tran_num_cell_ll I Number of unit cells in PL of left lead
tran_num_cell_rr I Number of unit cells in PL of right lead
tran_num_bandc I Half-bandwidth+1 of a band-diagonal conductor Hamiltonian
tran_write_ht L Write the Hamiltonian for transport calculation
tran_read_ht L Read the Hamiltonian for transport calculation
tran_use_same_lead L Left and right leads are the same
tran_group_threshold R Distance that determines the grouping of WFs
hr_cutoff P Cut-off for the absolute value of the Hamiltonian
dist_cutoff P Cut-off for the distance between WF
dist_cutoff_mode S Dimension in which the distance between WF is calculated
one_dim_axis S Extended direction for a one-dimensional system
translation_centre_frac R Centre of the unit cell to which final WF are translated
file keywords controlling transport. Argument types are represented by, I for a integer, R for a real number, P for a physical value, L for a logical value and S for a text string. ::: :::
integer :: num_wann
Number of WF to be found.
No default.
integer :: num_bands
Total number of bands passed to the code in the seedname.mmn
Default num_bands
Cell Lattice Vectors¶
The cell lattice vectors should be specified in Cartesian coordinates.
begin unit_cell_cart
A_{1x} & A_{1y} & A_{1z} \\
A_{2x} & A_{2y} & A_{2z} \\
A_{3x} & A_{3y} & A_{3z}
\end{array}\)\) end unit_cell_cart
Here \(A_{1x}\) is the \(x\)-component of the first lattice vector \(\mathbf{A}_1\), \(A_{2y}\) is the \(y\)-component of the second lattice vector \(\mathbf{A}_2\), etc.
specifies the units in which the lattice vectors are defined:
either Bohr
or Ang
The default value is Ang
Ionic Positions¶
The ionic positions may be specified in fractional coordinates relative
to the lattice vectors of the unit cell, or in absolute Cartesian
coordinates. Only one of atoms_cart
and atoms_frac
may be given in
the input file.
Cartesian coordinates¶
begin atoms_cart
P & R^{P}_{x} & R^{P}_{y} & R^{P}_{z} \\
Q & R^{Q}_{x} & R^{Q}_{y} & R^{Q}_{z} \\
\end{array}\)\) end atoms_cart
The first entry on a line is the atomic symbol. The next three entries
are the atom's position \(\mathbf{R}=(R_x , R_y, R_z)\) in Cartesian
coordinates. The first line of the block, [units]
, specifies the units
in which the coordinates are given and can be either bohr
or ang
. If
not present, the default is ang
Fractional coordinates¶
begin atoms_frac
P & F^{P}_{1} & F^{P}_{2} & F^{P}_{3} \\
Q & F^{Q}_{1} & F^{Q}_{2} & F^{Q}_{3} \\
\end{array}\)\) end atoms_frac
The first entry on a line is the atomic symbol. The next three entries are the atom's position in fractional coordinates \(\mathbf{F} = F_1 \mathbf{A}_{1} + F_2 \mathbf{A}_{2} + F_3 \mathbf{A}_{3}\) relative to the cell lattice vectors \(\mathbf{A}_i\), \(i\in [1,3]\).
integer, dimension :: mp_grid(3)
Dimensions of the regular (Monkhorst-Pack) k-point mesh. For example, for a \(2\times2\times2\) grid:
mp_grid : 2 2 2
No default.
Each line gives the coordinate \(\mathbf{K}=K_1 \mathbf{B}_{1} + K_2 \mathbf{B}_{2} + K_3 \mathbf{B}_3\) of a k-point in relative (crystallographic) units, i.e., in fractional units with respect to the primitive reciprocal lattice vectors \(\mathbf{B}_{i}\), \(i \in [1,3]\). The position of each k-point in this list assigns its numbering; the first k-point is k-point 1, the second is k-point 2, and so on.
begin kpoints
K^{1}_{1} & K^{1}_{2} & K^{1}_{3} \\
K^{2}_{1} & K^{2}_{2} & K^{2}_{3} \\
\end{array}\)\) end kpoints
There is no default.
Note: There is an utility provided with wannier90
, called
, which helps to generate the explicit list of \(k\) points
required by wannier90
. See Sec. 1.1{reference-type="ref"
logical :: gamma_only
If gamma_only=true
, then wannier90
uses a branch of algorithms for
disentanglement and localisation that exploit the fact that the Bloch
eigenstates obtained from the underlying ab initio calculation are
manifestly real. This can be the case when only the \(\Gamma\)-point is
used to sample the Brillouin zone. The localisation procedure that is
used in the \(\Gamma\)-only branch is based on the method of
Ref. 2.
The default value is false
logical :: spinors
If spinors=true
, then wannier90
assumes that the WF correspond to
singularly occupied spinor states and num_elec_per_state=1
The default value is false
The MV scheme requires a finite difference expression for \(\nabla_{\bf k}\) defined on a uniform Monkhorst-Pack mesh of k-points. The vectors \(\{{\bf b}\}\) connect each mesh-point \({\bf k}\) to its nearest neighbours. \(N_{\mathrm{sh}}\) shells of neighbours are included in the finite-difference formula, with \(M_s\) vectors in the \(s^{\mathrm{th}}\) shell. For \(\nabla_{{\bf k}}\) to be correct to linear order, we require that the following equation is satisfied (Eq. B1 of Ref. 1): \(\(\label{eq:B1} \sum_{s}^{N_{\mathrm{sh}}} w_s \sum_i^{M_{\mathrm{s}}} b_{\alpha}^{i,s} b_{\beta}^{i,s} = \delta_{\alpha\beta}\:,\)\) where \({\bf b}^{i,s}\), \(i\in[1,M_s]\), is the \(i^{\mathrm{th}}\) vector belonging to the \(s^{\mathrm{th}}\) shell with associated weight \(w_s\), and \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) run over the three Cartesian indices.
integer :: shell_list(:)
is vector listing the shells to include in the finite
difference expression. If this keyword is absent, the shells are chosen
integer :: search_shells
Specifies the number of shells of neighbours over which to search in attempting to determine an automatic solution to the B1 condition Eq. [eq:B1]. Larger values than the default may be required in special cases e.g. for very long thin unit cells.
The default value is 36.
logical :: skip_B1_tests
If set to .true.
, does not check the B1 condition
Eq. [eq:B1]. This
should only be used if one knows why the B1 condition should not be
verified. A typical use of this flag is in conjunction with the Z2PACK
The default value is .false.
integer, dimension(:, 5) :: nnkpts
Specifies the nearest-neighbour k-points which are written to the
file. This can be used to explicitly specify which overlap
matrices should be calculated.
begin nnkpts
1 2 0 0 0
end nnkpts
Each nearest neighbour \(\mathbf{k + b}\) is given by a line of 5
integers. The first specifies the k-point number nkp
of \(\mathbf{k}\).
The second is the k-point number of the neighbour. The final three
integers specify the reciprocal lattice vector which brings the k-point
specified by the second integer to \(\mathbf{k + b}\).
This format is the same as in the .nnkp
file, except that the number
of neighbours per k-point is not specified. However, the number of
neighbours still needs to be a multiple of the number of k-points.
This input parameter can be used only if postproc_setup = .true.
, and
is not intended to be used with a full Wannier90 run. It can be used
also if the k-points do not describe a regular mesh.
real(kind=dp) :: kmesh_tol
Two kpoints belong to the same shell if the distance between them is
less than kmesh_tol
. Units are Ang.
The default value is 0.000001 Ang.
The projections block defines a set of localised functions used to
generate an initial guess for the unitary transformations. This data
will be written in the seedname.nnkp
file to be used by a
first-principles code.
begin projections
end projections
If guiding_centres
, then the projection centres are used as the
guiding centres in the Wannierisation routine.
For details see Section 3.1{reference-type="ref" reference="sec:proj"}.
Job Control¶
logical :: postproc_setup
If postproc_setup
, then the wannier code will write
file and exit. If wannier90
is called with the option
, then postproc_setup
is set to true
, over-riding its value in
The default value is false
integer :: iprint
This indicates the level of verbosity of the output from 0 ("low"), the bare minimum, to 3 ("high"), which corresponds to full debugging output.
The default value is 1.
integer :: optimisation
This indicates the level of optimisation used in the code. This is a trade between speed and memory. A positive number indicates fastest execution time at the cost of more memory. Zero or negative numbers indicates a smaller memory footprint - at increased execution time.
At the moment the only values that have an effect are optimisation<=0
(low memory) and optimisation>0
The default value is 3.
character(len=20) :: length_unit
The length unit to be used for writing quantities in the output file
The valid options for this parameter are:
(default) -
character(len=50) :: devel_flag
Not a regular keyword. Its purpose is to allow a developer to pass a string into the code to be used inside a new routine as it is developed.
No default.
integer :: exclude_bands(:)
A k-point independent list of states to excluded from the calculation of
the overlap matrices; for example to select only valence states, or
ignore semi-core states. This keyword is passed to the first-principles
code via the seedname.nnkp
file. For example, to exclude bands 2, 6,
7, 8 and 12:
exclude_bands : 2, 6-8, 12
integer :: select_projections(:)
A list of projections to be included in the wannierisation procedure. In
the case that num_proj
is greater than num_wann
, this keyword allows
a subset of the projections in the projection matrices to be used. For
example, to select the projections given by the indices 2, 6, 7, 8 and
select_projections : 2, 6-8, 12
logical :: auto_projections
If .true.
and no projections block is defined, then wannier90
an additional block in the .nnkp
file during the pre-processing step,
to instruct the interface code to automatically generate the
For additional information on the behavior and on the added block, see Sec. [sec:auto-projections-block]{reference-type="ref" reference="sec:auto-projections-block"}.
Note: the interface code (e.g. pw2wannier90.x
) must have at least
one implementation of a method to automatically generate initial
projections in order for this option to be usable.
The default value of this parameter is \(\verb#false#\).
character(len=20) :: restart
If restart
is present the code will attempt to restart the calculation
from the seedname.chk
file. The value of the parameter determines the
position of the restart
The valid options for this parameter are:
. Restart from the point at which the check fileseedname.chk
was written -
. Restart from the beginning of the wannierise routine -
. Go directly to the plotting phase -
. Go directly to the transport routines
character(len=20) :: wvfn_formatted
If wvfn_formatted
, then the wavefunctions will be read from
disk as formatted (ie ASCII) files; otherwise they will be read as
unformatted files. Unformatted is generally preferable as the files will
take less disk space and I/O is significantly faster. However such files
will not be transferable between all machine architectures and formatted
files should be used if transferability is required (i.e., for test
The default value of this parameter is \(\verb#false#\).
character(len=20) :: spin
For bands from a spin polarised calculation spin
determines which set
of bands to read in, either up
or down
The default value of this parameter is up
integer :: timing_level
Determines the amount of timing information regarding the calculation that will be written to the output file. A value of 1 produces the least information.
The default value is 1.
logical :: translate_home_cell
Determines whether to translate the final Wannier centres to the home
unit cell at the end of the calculation. Mainly useful for molecular
systems in which the molecule resides entirely within the home unit cell
and user wants to write an xyz file (write_xyz=.true.
) for the WF
centres to compare with the structure.
The default value is false
logical :: write_xyz
Determines whether to write the atomic positions and final Wannier
centres to an xyz file,
, for subsequent
The default value is false
logical :: write_vdw_data
Determines whether to write seedname.vdw
for subsequent
post-processing by the w90vdw
utility (in the utility/w90vdw/
directory of the distribution) for calculating van der Waals energies.
Brillouin zone sampling must be at the Gamma-point only.
The default value is false
These keywords control the disentanglement routine of
Ref. 3, i.e., the iterative minimisation of
\(\Omega_{\mathrm{I}}\). This routine will be activated if
real(kind=dp) :: dis_win_min
The lower bound of the outer energy window for the disentanglement procedure. Units are eV.
The default is the lowest eigenvalue in the system.
real(kind=dp) :: dis_win_max
The upper bound of the outer energy window for the disentanglement procedure. Units are eV.
The default is the highest eigenvalue in the given states (i.e., all states are included in the disentanglement procedure).
real(kind=dp) :: dis_froz_min
The lower bound of the inner energy window for the disentanglement procedure. Units are eV.
If dis_froz_max
is given, then the default for dis_froz_min
real(kind=dp) :: dis_froz_max
The upper bound of the inner (frozen) energy window for the
disentanglement procedure. If dis_froz_max
is not specified, then
there are no frozen states. Units are eV.
No default.
logical :: dis_froz_proj
To activate projectability disentanglement procedure, which selectively discard/disentangle/freeze state \(\vert n \mathbf{k}\rangle\) based on its projectability onto some localized atomic orbitals.
Note: this requires the amn
file is properly normalized, i.e.,
projectability computed from \(A A^\dagger\) must be smaller than or equal
to 1. The pseudo-atomic projection satisfies such requirement, see
Additionally, one can combine projectability disentanglement with energy
disentanglement, i.e., enable both dis_proj_min/max
simultaneously in the win
file. These settings will
freeze the union of inner energy window and high-projectability states,
and exclude the union of states outside outer energy window and having
low projectability.
real(kind=dp) :: dis_proj_min
The lower bound for the projectability disentanglement procedure.
For states with projectabilities smaller than dis_proj_min
, they will
be discarded in the disentanglement procedure, i.e., similar to the case
of outside of the outer energy window.
For states with projectabilities larger than or equal to dis_proj_min
they will be included in the disentanglement procedure, i.e., similar to
the case of inside the outer energy window.
No unit.
The default value is 0.95.
real(kind=dp) :: dis_proj_max
The upper bound for the projectability disentanglement procedure. For
states with projectability larger than or equal to dis_proj_max
, they
will be freezed in the disentanglement procedure, i.e., similar to the
case of inside the inner energy window.
No unit.
The default value is 0.01.
integer :: dis_num_iter
In the disentanglement procedure, the number of iterations used to extract the most connected subspace.
The default value is 200.
real(kind=dp) :: dis_mix_ratio
In the disentanglement procedure, the mixing parameter to use for convergence (see pages 4-5 of Ref. 3). A value of 0.5 is a 'safe' choice. Using 1.0 (i.e., no mixing) often gives faster convergence, but may cause the minimisation of \(\Omega_{\mathrm{I}}\) to be unstable in some cases.
Restriction: \(0.0<\:\)dis_mix_ratio
\(\:\leq 1.0\)
The default value is 0.5
real(kind=dp) :: dis_conv_tol
In the disentanglement procedure, the minimisation of
\(\Omega_{\mathrm{I}}\) is said to be converged if the fractional change
in the gauge-invariant spread between successive iterations is less than
for dis_conv_window
iterations. Units are Å\(^2\).
The default value is 1.0E-10
integer :: dis_conv_window
In the disentanglement procedure, the minimisation is said to be
converged if the fractional change in the spread between successive
iterations is less than dis_conv_tol
for dis_conv_window
The default value of this parameter is 3.
integer :: dis_spheres_num
Number of spheres in reciprocal space where the k-dependent disentanglement is performed. No disentanglement is performed for those k-points that are not included in any of the spheres.
The default is 0, which means disentangle at every k-point in the full BZ (the standard mode in Wannier90).
integer :: dis_spheres_first_wann
Index of the first band that has to be considered as a Wannier function.
Used only if dis_spheres_num
is greater than zero. At k-points where
disentanglement is not performed the bands from dis_spheres_first_wann
to dis_spheres_first_wann+num_wann
are used to wannierise. The bands
excluded using exclude_bands
should not be counted.
The default is 1, the band at the lowest energy.
Each line gives the coordinate \(\mathbf{K}=K_1 \mathbf{B}_{1} + K_2
\mathbf{B}_{2} + K_3 \mathbf{B}_3\) of a k-point representing the center
of one of the spheres used for k-dependent disentanglement. The same
crystallographic units as for kpoints
are used here. Each k-point
coordinate \(\mathbf{K}^i\) must the followed by the respectice sphere
radius \(r_{i}\) in inverse angstrom (on the same line).
The number of lines must be equal to dis_spheres_num
begin dis_spheres
K^{1}_{1} & K^{1}_{2} & K^{1}_{3} & r_{1} \\
K^{2}_{1} & K^{2}_{2} & K^{2}_{3} & r_{2} \\
\end{array}\)\) end dis_spheres
There is no default.
Iterative minimisation of \(\widetilde{\Omega}\), the non-gauge-invariant part of the spread functional.
integer :: num_iter
Total number of iterations in the minimisation procedure. Set
if you wish to generate projected WFs rather than
maximally-localized WFs (see Example 8 in the Tutorial).
The default value is 100
integer :: num_cg_steps
Number of conjugate gradient steps to take before resetting to steepest descents.
The default value is 5
integer :: conv_window
If conv_window
\(\:>1\), then the minimisation is said to be converged if
the change in \(\Omega\) over conv_window
successive iterations is less
than conv_tol
. Otherwise, the minimisation proceeds for num_iter
iterations (default).
The default value is -1
real(kind=dp) :: conv_tol
If conv_window
\(\:>1\), then this is the convergence tolerance on
\(\Omega\), otherwise not used. Units are Å\(^2\).
The default value is 1.0E-10
logical :: precond
Whether or not to use preconditioning to speed up the minimization of
the spreads. This is based on the same idea as the classical
Tetter-Payne-Allan preconditionning for DFT and dampens the
high-frequency oscillations of the gradient due to contributions from
large real lattice vectors. It is useful when the optimization is slow,
especially on fine grids. When optimisation<3
, this uses a slower
algorithm to save memory.
The default value is false
real(kind=dp) :: conv_noise_amp
If conv_noise_amp
\(\:>0\), once convergence (as defined above) is
achieved, some random noise \(f\) is added to the search direction, and
the minimisation is continued until convergence is achieved once more.
If the same value of \(\Omega\) as before is arrived at, then the
calculation is considered to be converged. If not, then random noise is
added again and the procedure repeated up to a maximum of
times. conv_noise_amp
is the amplitude of the random
noise \(f\) that is added to the search direction:
\(0 < |f| <\:\)conv_noise_amp
. This functionality requires
\(\:>1\). If conv_window
is not specified, it is set to
the value 5 by default.
If conv_noise_amp
\(\:\leq 0\), then no noise is added (default).
The default value is -1.0
integer :: conv_noise_num
If conv_noise_amp
\(\:>0\), then this is the number of times in the
minimisation that random noise is added.
The default value is 3
integer :: num_dump_cycles
Write sufficient information to do a restart every num_dump_cycles
The default is 100
integer :: num_print_cycles
Write data to the master output file seedname.wout
The default is 1
logical :: write_r2mn
If \(\verb#write_r2mn#=\verb#true#\), then the matrix elements
\(\langle m|r^2|n\rangle\) (where \(m\) and \(n\) refer to WF) are written to
file seedname.r2mn
at the end of the Wannierisation procedure.
The default value of this parameter is false
logical :: guiding_centres
Use guiding centres during the minimisation, in order to avoid local minima.
uses a logarithm definition of the spread functional. As we
are taking the log of a complex argument there is a possibility that the
algorithm might make inconsistent choices for the branch cut. This
manifests itself as complex WF with a large spread. By using guiding
centres the code will attempt to make a consistent choice of branch cut.
Experience shows that with guiding_centres
set to true this problem is
avoided and doing so does not cause any problems. For this reason we
recommend setting guiding_centres
to true where possible (it is only
not possible if an explicit projection block is not defined).
The default value is false
integer :: num_guide_cycles
If guiding_centres
is set to true, then the guiding centres are used
only every num_guide_cycles
The default value is 1.
integer :: num_no_guide_iter
If guiding_centres
is set to true, then the guiding centres are used
only after num_no_guide_iter
minimisation iterations have been
The default value is 0.
real(kind=dp) :: trial_step
The value of the trial step for the parabolic fit in the line search
minimisation used in the minimisation of the spread function. Cannot be
used in conjunction with fixed_step
(see below). If the minimisation
procedure doesn't converge, try decreasing the value of trial_step
give a more accurate line search.
The default value is 2.0
real(kind=dp) :: fixed_step
If this is given a value in the input file, then a fixed step of length
(instead of a parabolic line search) is used at each
iteration of the spread function minimisation. Cannot be used in
conjunction with trial_step
. This can be useful in cases in which
minimisation with a line search fails to converge.
There is no default value.
logical :: use_bloch_phases
Determines whether to use the Bloch functions as the initial guess for
the projections. Can only be used if disentanglement = false
The default value is false
logical :: site_symmetry
Construct symmetry-adapted Wannier functions. For the detail of the theoretical background, see Ref. 4. Cannot be used in conjunction with the inner (frozen) energy window.
The default value is false
real(kind=dp) :: symmetrize_eps
Convergence threshold to check whether the symmetry condition (Eq. (19)
in Ref. 4) on the unitary matrix
\(\mathbf{U}^{(\mathbf{k})}\) is satisfied or not. See also Eq. (29) in
Ref. 4. Used when site_symmetry = .true
The default value is 1.0E-3.
integer :: slwf_num
The number of objective Wannier functions for selective localisation in
the selectively localised Wannier function (SLWF) method of
Ref. 5. These functions are obtained by minimising the
spread functional only with respect to the degrees of freedom of a
subset of slwf_num
\(<\) num_wann
functions. At convergence, the
objective WFs will have a minimum cumulative spread, whereas the
remaining num_wann
\(-\) slwf_num
functions are left unoptimised. The
initial guesses for the objective WFs are given by the first slwf_num
orbitals in the projections
block. If slwf_num = num_wann
selective minimisation is performed. In this case, wannier90
simply generate a set of num_wann
The default is num_wann
logical :: slwf_constrain
If slwf_constrain=true
, then the centres of the objective Wannier
functions are constrained to either the centres of the first slwf_num
orbitals in the projections
block or to new positions specified in the
block (see
Sec. 2.8.22{reference-type="ref"
reference="sec:centre_constraints"}). In this case, a modified spread
functional, \(\Omega_c\), with the addition of a constraint term, as
described in Ref. 5.
The default is false
real(kind=dp) :: slwf_lambda
The value of the Lagrange multiplier \(\lambda\) for the constraint term
in term added to modify the spread functional:
\(\lambda \sum_{n=1}^{J'} \left(\overline{\mathbf{r}}_n - \mathbf{r}_{0n}\right)^2\),
where \(J'\) is slwf_num
, and \(\overline{\mathbf{r}}_{n}\) and
\(\mathbf{r}_{0n}\) are the centre and target centre, respectively, for
the \(n^{\text{th}}\) objective WF.
The default is 0.0
Constraints on centres¶
If slwf_constrain=true
, then by default the centres to which the
objective Wannier function centres are constrained are given
by the first slwf_num
rows of the projections
Optionally, the slwf_centres
block may be used to define alternative
target centres for some or all of the slwf_num
objective Wannier
The block below shows an example of how to set the constraints:
begin slwf_centres
2 0.0 0.0 0.0
4 0.25 0.0 0.0
end slwf_centres
The first line sets the constraint for the centre of objective WF number 2 (as defined by the order of WFs in the
block) to (0.0,0.0,0.0) in fractional co-ordinates. -
The second line sets the constraint for the centre of objective WF number 4 (as defined by the order of WFs in the
block) to (0.25,0.0,0.0) in fractional co-ordinates. -
The target centres of all other objective Wannier functions remain as the centres given in the corresponding rows of the
Plot the WF
Plot the interpolated band structure
Plot the Fermi surface
Output the Hamiltonian in the WF basis
Transport calculation (quantum conductance and density of states)
logical :: wannier_plot
If \(\verb#wannier_plot#=\verb#true#\), then the code will write out the
Wannier functions in a format specified by wannier_plot_format
The default value of this parameter is false
integer :: wannier_plot_list(:)
A list of WF to plot. The WF numbered as per the seedname.wout
after the minimisation of the spread.
The default behaviour is to plot all WF. For example, to plot WF 4, 5, 6 and 10:
wannier_plot_list : 4-6, 10
integer :: wannier_plot_supercell
The code generates the WFs on a grid corresponding to a
'super-unit-cell'. If wannier_plot_supercell
is provided as a single
integer, then the size of the super-unit-cell is
times the size of the unit cell along all three
linear dimensions (the 'home' unit cell is kept approximately in the
middle); otherwise, if three integers are provided, the size of the
super-unit-cell is wannier_plot_supercell(i)
times the size of the
unit cell along the \(i-\)th linear dimension.
The default value is 2.
character(len=20) :: wannier_plot_format
WF can be plotted in either XCrySDen (xsf) format or Gaussian cube format. The valid options for this parameter are:
(default) -
If wannier_plot_format=xsf
: the code outputs the WF on the entire
super-unit-cell specified by wannier_plot_supercell
If wannier_plot_format=cube
: the code outputs the WF on a grid that is
smaller than the super-unit-cell specified by wannier_plot_supercell
This grid is determined by wannier_plot_mode
, wannier_plot_radius
and wannier_plot_scale
, described in detail below.
The code is able to output Gaussian cube files for systems with non-orthogonal lattice vectors. Many visualisation programs (including XCrySDen), however, are only able to handle cube files for systems with orthogonal lattice vectors. One visualisation program that is capable of dealing with non-orthogonal lattice vectors is VESTA (
It's worth noting that another visualisation program, VMD (, is able to deal with certain special cases of non-orthogonal lattice vectors; see for details.
character(len=20) :: wannier_plot_mode
Choose the mode in which to plot the WF, either as a molecule or as a crystal.
The valid options for this parameter are:
(default) -
If wannier_plot_format=cube
wannier_plot_mode = molecule
, then wherever the WF centre sits in the supercell, the origin of the cube is shifted (for the purpose of plotting only, ie, nothing is done to the U matrices etc) to coincide with the centre of mass of the atomic positions specified by the user in
input file. These atomic positions are also written to the cube file, so when it is visualised, the WF appears superimposed on the molecular structure. -
wannier_plot_mode = crystal
, then the WF is not shifted, but instead the code searches for atoms that are within a radius ofwannier_plot_scale
of the WF centre and writes the coordinates of these atoms to the cube file. In this way, when the cube file is visualised, the WF appears superimposed on the nearest atoms to the WF centre. -
mode can be used for molecules, andmolecule
mode can be used for crystals.
real(kind=dp) :: wannier_plot_radius
If wannier_plot_format=cube
, then wannier_plot_radius
is the radius
of the sphere that must fit inside the parallelepiped in which the WF is
plotted. wannier_plot_radius
must be greater than 0. Units are Å.
The default value is 3.5.
real(kind=dp) :: wannier_plot_scale
If wannier_plot_format=cube
and wannier_plot_mode=crystal
, then the
code searches for atoms that are within a radius of wannier_plot_scale
\(\times\) wannier_plot_radius
of the WF centre and writes the
coordinates of these atoms to the cube file. In this way, when the cube
file is visualised, the WF appears superimposed on the nearest atoms to
the WF centre. wannier_plot_scale
must be greater than 0. This
parameter is dimensionless.
The default value is 1.0.
character(len=20) :: wannier_plot_spinor_mode
If \(\verb#spinors#=\verb#true#\) then this parameter controls the quantity to plot. For a spinor WF with components \([\phi,\psi]\) the quatity plotted is
(default). \(\sqrt{[|\phi|^2+|\psi|^2}\) -
. \(|\phi|\times sign(Re\{\phi\})\) if \(\verb#wannier_plot_spinor_phase#=\verb#true#\), otherwise \(|\phi|\) -
. \(|\psi|\times sign(Re\{\psi\})\) if \(\verb#wannier_plot_spinor_phase#=\verb#true#\), otherwise \(|\psi|\)
Note: making a visual representation of a spinor WF is not as
straightforward as for a scalar WF. While a scalar WF is typically a
real valued function, a spinor WF is a complex, two component spinor.
is able to plot several different quantities derived from a
spinor WF which should give you a good idea of the nature of the WF.
logical :: wannier_plot_spinor_phase
If \(\verb#wannier_plot_spinor_phase#=\verb#true#\) phase information will be taken into account when plotting a spinor WF.
logical :: bands_plot
If \(\verb#bands_plot#=\verb#true#\), then the code will calculate the
band structure, through Wannier interpolation, along the path in k-space
defined by bands_kpath
using bands_num_points
along the first
section of the path and write out an output file in a format specified
by bands_plot_format
The default value is false
Defines the path in k-space along which to calculate the bandstructure. Each line gives the start and end point (with labels) for a section of the path. Values are in fractional coordinates with respect to the primitive reciprocal lattice vectors.
begin kpoint_path
G & 0.0 & 0.0 & 0.0 & L & 0.0 & 0.0 & 1.0 \\
L & 0.0 & 0.0 & 1.0 & N & 0.0 & 1.0 & 1.0 \\
\end{array}\)\) end kpoint_path
There is no default
integer :: bands_num_points
If \(\verb#bands_plot#=\verb#true#\), then the number of points along the
first section of the bandstructure plot given by kpoint_path
. Other
sections will have the same density of k-points.
The default value for bands_num_points
is 100.
character(len=20) :: bands_plot_format
Format in which to plot the interpolated band structure. The valid options for this parameter are:
(default) -
Note: it is possible to request output in both formats eg \(\verb#bands_format#=\verb#gnuplot xmgrace#\)
integer :: bands_plot_project(:)
If present wannier90
will compute the contribution of this set of WF
to the states at each point of the interpolated band structure. The WF
are numbered according to the seedname.wout file. The result is written
in the seedname_band.dat
file, and a corresponding gnuplot script to
For example, to project on to WFs 2, 6, 7, 8 and 12:
bands_plot_project : 2, 6-8, 12
character(len=20) :: bands_plot_mode
To interpolate the band structure along the k-point path, either use the
Slater-Koster interpolation scheme or truncate the Hamiltonian matrix in
the WF basis. Truncation criteria are provided by hr_cutoff
The valid options for this parameter are:
(default) -
integer :: bands_plot_dim
Dimension of the system. If \(\verb#bands_plot_dim#<\:\)<!-- -->
and \(\verb#bands_plot_mode#=\verb#cut#\), lattice vector
\(\mathbf{R}=N_1 \mathbf{A}_{1} + N_2 \mathbf{A}_{2} + N_3 \mathbf{A}_3\),
where \(N_i=0\) if \(\mathbf{A}_i\) is parallel to any of the confined
directions specified by one_dim_axis
, are exclusively used in the band
structure interpolation.
The valid options for this parameter are:
3 (default)
logical :: fermi_surface_plot
If \(\verb#fermi_surface_plot#=\verb#true#\), then the code will
calculate, through Wannier interpolation, the eigenvalues on a regular
grid with fermi_surface_num_points
in each direction. The code will
write a file in bxsf format which can be read by XCrySDen in order to
plot the Fermi surface.
The default value is false
integer :: fermi_surface_num_points
If \(\verb#fermi_surface_plot#=\verb#true#\), then the number of divisions in the regular k-point grid used to calculate the Fermi surface.
The default value for fermi_surface_num_points
is 50.
real(kind=dp) :: fermi_energy
The Fermi energy in eV. This parameter is written into the bxsf file. If
is specified, fermi_energy_min
, fermi_energy_max
and fermi_energy_step
should not be specified, and vice-versa.
The default value is 0.0
real(kind=dp) :: fermi_energy_min
Instead of specifyfing a single Fermi energy, it is possible to scan the Fermi level over a range of values, and recompute certain quantities for each \(\varepsilon_F\). This is the minimum value in the range (in eV).
Scanning the Fermi level is currently supported only by the
module berry
, for berry_task=ahc,morb
. For all other
functionalities that require a knowledge of \(\varepsilon_F\), use
There is no default value.
real(kind=dp) :: fermi_energy_max
The maximum value in the range of Fermi energies. Units are eV.
The default value is fermi_energy_min
real(kind=dp) :: fermi_energy_step
Difference between consecutive values of the Fermi energy when scanning
from fermi_energy_min
to fermi_energy_max
. Units are eV.
The default value is 0.01.
character(len=20) :: fermi_surface_plot_format
Format in which to plot the Fermi surface. The valid options for this parameter are:
logical :: write_hr
If \(\verb#write_hr#=\verb#true#\), then the Hamiltonian matrix in the WF
basis will be written to a file seedname_hr.dat
The default value is false
logical :: write_rmn
If \(\verb#write_rmn#=\verb#true#\), then the position operator in the WF
basis will be written to a file seedname_r.dat
The default value is false
logical :: write_bvec
If \(\verb#write_bvec#=\verb#true#\), then the the matrix elements of
bvector and their weights will be written to a file seedname.bvec
The default value is false
logical :: write_tb
If \(\verb#write_tb#=\verb#true#\), then the lattice vectors, together
with the Hamiltonian and position-operator matrices in the WF basis,
will be written to a file seedname_tb.dat
, in units of Angstrom and
The default value is false
logical :: transport
If \(\verb#transport#=\verb#true#\), then the code will calculate quantum
conductance and density of states of a one-dimensional system. The
results will be written to files seedname_qc.dat
, respectively. Since both quantities are a function
of energy, they will be evaluated from tran_win_min
to tran_win_max
with an interval of tran_energy_step
The default value of this parameter is false
character(len=20) :: transport_mode
If \(\verb#transport_mode#=\verb#bulk#\), quantum conductance and density
of states are calculated for a perfectly-periodic one-dimensional
system. In this case, the transport part can either use the Hamiltonian
matrix in the WF basis generated by wannier90
or a Hamiltonian matrix
provided by the external file seedname_htB.dat
If \(\verb#transport_mode#=\verb#lcr#\), quantum conductance and density of states are calculated for a system where semi-infinite, left and right leads are connected through a central conductor region. In this case, the transport part will work independently from the disentanglement and wannierise procedure. Details of the method is described in Ref. 6.
If \(\verb#tran_read_ht# = \verb#true#\) then the Hamiltonian matrices
must be provided by the five external files:
seedname_htL.dat, seedname_htLC.dat, seedname_htC.dat, seedname_htCR.dat, seedname_htR.dat
If \(\verb#tran_read_ht# = \verb#false#\) then the Hamiltonian matrices
are found automatically provided the supercell adheres to conditions
outlined in Section 7.3{reference-type="ref"
The valid options for this parameter are:
(default) -
real(kind=dp) :: tran_win_min
The lower bound of the energy window for the transport calculation. Units are eV.
The default value is -3.0.
real(kind=dp) :: tran_win_max
The upper bound of the energy window for the transport calculation. Units are eV.
The default value is 3.0.
real(kind=dp) :: tran_energy_step
Sampling interval of the energy values from tran_win_min
. Units are eV.
The default value is 0.01.
real(kind=dp) :: fermi_energy
The Fermi energy in eV. The energy axis of the quantum conductance and density of states data will be shifted rigidly by this amount.
The default value is 0.0
integer :: tran_num_bb
Size of a bulk Hamiltonian matrix. This number is equal to the number of WFs in one principal layer.
A one-dimensional system can be viewed as an array of principal layers
which are defined in a way that localized basis functions inside a
certain principal layer only interact with those in the nearest neighbor
principal layer. In wannier90
a principal layer will be an integer
multiple of a unit cell, and the size is determined by hr_cutoff
and/or dist_cutoff
. The criterion is rather arbitrary when WFs are
adopted as a localized basis set, and it is up to a user's choice.
The default value is 0.
integer :: tran_num_ll
Size of a left-lead Hamiltonian matrix. If
\(\verb#transport_mode# = \verb#lcr#\) and
\(\verb#tran_read_ht# = \verb#false#\) then tran_num_ll
is the number of
Wannier functions in a principal layer.
The default value is 0.
integer :: tran_num_rr
Size of a right-lead Hamiltonian matrix.
The default value is 0.
integer :: tran_num_cc
Size of a conductor Hamiltonian matrix.
The default value is 0.
integer :: tran_num_lc
Number of columns in a left-lead_conductor Hamiltonian matrix. Number of
rows must be equal to tran_num_ll
The default value is 0.
integer :: tran_num_cr
Number of rows in a conductor_right-lead Hamiltonian matrix. Number of
columns must be equal to tran_num_rr
The default value is 0.
integer :: tran_num_cell_ll
Number of unit cells in one principal layer of left lead. Used if \(\verb#transport_mode# = \verb#lcr#\) and \(\verb#tran_read_ht# = \verb#false#\).
The default value is 0.
integer :: tran_num_cell_rr
Number of unit cells in one principal layer of right lead. Not used at present.
The default value is 0.
integer :: tran_num_bandc
Half-bandwidth+1 of a band-diagonal conductor Hamiltonian matrix.
The Hamiltonian matrix of a central conductor part, which is read from
, will be diagonally dominant when tran_num_cc
very large. tran_num_bandc
is used to construct a compact matrix which
contains the non-zero band-diagonal part of a full conductor Hamiltonian
matrix. Setting this parameter is only meaningful when tran_num_bandc
is greater than tran_num_lc
and tran_num_cr
The default value is 0.
logical :: tran_write_ht
If \(\verb#tran_write_ht#=\verb#true#\), then the Hamiltonian matrix
formatted for the transport calculation will be written to a file
The default value is false
logical :: tran_read_ht
If \(\verb#tran_write_ht#=\verb#true#\), then the Hamiltonian matrix
formatted for the transport calculation will be read from a set of files
described in the parameter transport_mode
. Set
\(\verb#tran_write_ht#=\verb#false#\) to perform automated lcr
calculations (see Section 7.3{reference-type="ref"
The default value is false
logical :: tran_use_same_lead
If \(\verb#tran_use_same_lead#=\verb#true#\), then the left and the right
leads are the same. In this case, seedname_htR.dat
is not required.
The default value is true
real(kind=dp) :: tran_group_threshold
Used to group and sort Wannier functions according to the positions of
their centres. Wannier functions in a group are within
from one another in x,y
and z
Units are Å
The default is 0.15
real(kind=dp) :: translation_centre_frac(3)
Centre of the unit cell to which the final Wannier centres are translated. Numbers are in fractional coordinates with respect to the lattice vectors.
The default value is (0.0,0.0,0.0).
logical :: use_ws_distance
Improves the interpolation of the k-space Hamiltonian, by applying a translation to each WF by a basis vector of the super-lattice that minimises the distance between their centres. The translation is dependent on both WF and on the unit cell vector to which they belong, i.e., translate function \(W_j({\bf r}-{\bf R})\) inside the Wigner-Seitz cell centred on WF \(W_i({\bf r})\).
For a longer explanation, see Chapter [chap:interpolation]{reference-type="ref" reference="chap:interpolation"}.
If false
the code puts all the WF in the home cell, only possible
choice until wannier90 v2.0.1.
The default value is true
(default changed since v.3.0). Introduced in
real(kind=dp) :: ws_distance_tol
Tolerance when determining whether two values
\(\|\mathbf{d}_{ij\mathbf{R}} + \tilde{\mathbf{R}}_{nml} \|\) and
\(\|\mathbf{d}_{ij\mathbf{R}} + \tilde{\mathbf{R}}_{n'm'l'} \|\) (as
defined in
chapter [chap:interpolation]{reference-type="ref"
reference="chap:interpolation"}) for the shortest distance between two
Wannier functions are equivalent. If the difference in distance (in
Angstrom) is less than ws_distance_tol
, they are taken to be
The default value is \(10^{-5}\).
:: ws_search_size
Maximum absolute value for the integers \(n,m,l\) that identify the
super-lattice vectors \(\tilde{\mathbf{R}}_{nml}\) (see
chapter [chap:interpolation]{reference-type="ref"
reference="chap:interpolation"}) when searching for points inside the
Wigner-Seitz cell. If ws_search_size
is provided as a single integer,
then the number of repetitions of the Born-von Karman cell is the same
along all three linear dimensions; otherwise, if three integers are
provided, the number of repetitions along the \(i-\)th linear dimension is
. The variable is used both in hamiltonian.F90
in ws_distance.F90
. In the latter case, its value is incremented by
one in order to account for WFs whose centre wanders away from the
original reference unit cell.\
The default value is generally sufficient, but might need to be
increased in case of elongated cells.
The default value is 2.
logical :: write_u_matrices
Write the \(\mathbf{U}^{(\mathbf{k})}\) and
\(\mathbf{U}^{\mathrm{dis}(\mathbf{k})}\) matrices obtained at the end of
wannierization to files seedname_u.mat
and seedname_u_dis.mat
The default value is false
real(kind=dp) :: hr_cutoff
The absolute value of the smallest matrix element of the Hamiltonian in
the WF basis. If \(h_{mn}(\mathbf{R})>\:\)hr_cutoff
, then the matrix
element \(h_{mn}(\mathbf{R})\) is retained and used in the band structure
interpolation (when \(\verb#bands_plot_mode#=\verb#cut#\)) or in the
transport calculation. Otherwise it is deemed to be insignificant and is
discarded. Units are eV.
The default value is 0.0.
real(kind=dp) :: dist_cutoff
The largest distance between two WFs for which the Hamiltonian matrix element is retained and used in the band interpolation (when \(\verb#bands_plot_mode#=\verb#cut#\)) or in the transport calculation. Units are Å.
The default value is 1000.0.
character(len=20) :: dist_cutoff_mode
Dimension in which the distance between two WFs is calculated. The
vector connecting two WFs may be projected to a line (one_dim
) or a
plane (two_dim
). The size of the projected vector is calculated, and
is applied. When one_dim
or two_dim
is used,
must be given to specify extended or confined direction.
The valid options for this parameter are:
(default) -
character(len=20) :: one_dim_axis
Extended direction for a one-dimensional system or confined direction for a two-dimensional system. This direction must be parallel to one of the Cartesian axes.
The valid options for this parameter are:
No default.
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