The wannier90
code is shipped with a few utility programs that may be
useful in some occasions. In this chapter, we describe their use.
The wannier90
code requires the definition of a full Monkhorst--Pack
grid of \(k\) points. In the input file the size of this mesh is given by
means of the mp_grid
variable. E.g., setting
mp_grid = 4 4 4
tells wannier90
that we want to use a \(4\times 4\times 4\) \(k\) grid.
One has then to specify (inside the kpoints
block in the the
file) the list of \(k\) points of the grid. Here, the
Perl script becomes useful, being able to generate the
required list.
The script can be be found in the utility
directory of the
distribution. To use it, simply type:
./kmesh.pl nx ny nz
where nx
, ny
and nz
define the size of the Monkhorst--Pack grid
that we want to use (for instance, in the above example of the
\(4\times 4\times 4\) \(k\) grid, nx
\(=\)<!-- -->
This produces on output the list of \(k\) points in Quantum Espresso
format, where (apart from a header) the first three columns of each line
are the \(k\) coordinates, and the fourth column is the weight of each \(k\)
point. This list can be used to create the input file for the ab-initio
If one wants instead to generate the list of the \(k\) coordinates without
the weight (in order to copy and paste the output inside the
file), one simply has to provide a fourth argument on the
command line. For instance, for a \(4\times 4\times 4\) \(k\) grid, use
./kmesh.pl 4 4 4 wannier
and then copy the output inside the in the kpoints
block in the
We suggest to always use this utility to generate the \(k\) grids. This
allows to provide the \(k\) point coordinates with the accuracy required
by wannier90
, and moreover it makes sure that the \(k\) grid used in the
ab-initio code and in wannier90
are the same.
\(\tt{w90chk2chk.x}\)[]{#sec:w90chk2chk label="sec:w90chk2chk"}¶
During the calculation of the Wannier functions, wannier90
produces a
file that contains some information to restart the calculation.
This file is also required by the postw90
code. In particular, the
code requires at least the .chk
file, the .win
input file,
and (almost always) the .eig
file. Specific modules may require
further files: see the documentation of each module.
However, the .chk
file is written in a machine-dependent format. If
one wants to run wannier90
on a machine, and then continue the
calculation with postw90
on a different machine (or with
compiled with a different compiler), the file has to be
converted first in a machine-independent "formatted" format on the first
machine, and then converted back on the second machine.
To this aim, use the w90chk2chk.x
executable. Note that this
executable is not compiled by default: you can obtain it by executing
make w90chk2chk
in the main wannier90
A typical use is the following:
Calculate the Wannier functions with
At the end of the calculation you will find a
file. Run (in the folder with this file) the commandw90chk2chk.x -export seedname
or equivalently
w90chk2chk.x -u2f seedname
with the seedname of your calculation).This command reads the
file and creates a formatted fileseedname.chk.fmt
that is safe to be transferred between different machines. -
Copy the
file (together with theseedname.win
files) on the machine on which you want to runpostw90
. -
On this second machine (after having compiled
) runw90chk2chk.x -import seedname
or equivalently
w90chk2chk.x -f2u seedname
This command reads the
file and creates an unformatted fileseedname.chk
ready to be used bypostw90
. -
Run the
The function of this utility is to assess the length of a principal layer (in the context of a Landauer-Buttiker quantum conductance calculation) of a periodic system using a calculation on a single unit cell with a dense k-point mesh.
The utility requires the real-space Hamiltonian in the MLWF basis,
The seedname_hr.dat
file should be copied to a directory containing
executable for the utility. Within that directory, run:
\$> ./PL_assess.x nk1 nk2 nk3 num_wann
is the number of k-points in x-direction nk2
is the number of
k-points in y-direction nk3
is the number of k-points in z-direction
is the number of wannier functions of your system
\$> ./PL_assess.x 1 1 20 16
Note that the current implementation only allows for a single k-point in the direction transverse to the transport direction.
When prompted, enter the seedname.
The programme will return an output file seedname_pl.dat
, containing
four columns
Unit cell number, \(R\)
Average 'on-site' matrix element between MLWFs in the home unit cell, and the unit cell \(R\) lattice vectors away
Standard devaition of the quantity in (2)
Maximum absolute value in (2)
This utility provides an implementation of a method for calculating van der Waals energies based on the idea of density decomposition via MLWFs.
For theoretical details, please see the following publication and references therein:
Lampros Andrinopoulos, Nicholas D. M. Hine and Arash A. Mostofi, "Calculating dispersion interactions using maximally localized Wannier functions", J. Chem. Phys. 135, 154105 (2011).
For further details of this program, please see the documentation in
and the related examples in
An utility to create Pov files (to render the Wannier functions using
the PovRay utility) is provided inside utility/w90pov
Please refer to the documentation inside utility/w90pov/doc
for more
The wannier90
code requires the definition of a full Monkhorst--Pack
grid of \(\mathbf{k}\)-vectors, which can be obtained by means of the
utility. In order to perform a GW calculation with the Yambo
code, you need to perform a nscf calculation on a grid in the
irreducible BZ. Moreover, you may need a finer grid to converge the GW
calculation than what you need to interpolate the band structure. The
tools helps in finding the \(\mathbf{k}\)-vectors indexes of
a full grid needed for interpolation into the reduced grid needed for
the GW calculation with Yambo. Usage:
path/k_mapper.py nx ny nz QE_nscf_output
where path
is the path of utility
folder, QE_nscf_output
is the
path of the QE nscf output file given to Yambo.
This utility allows to sort in energy the input data of wannier90
(e.g. overlap matrices and energy eigenvalues). gw2wannier90.py
to use wannier90
at the \(G_0W_0\) level, where quasi-particle
corrections can change the energy ordering of eigenvalues (Some
modules require states to be ordered in energy). Usage:
path/gw2wannier90.py seedname options
where path
is the path of
Available options are:
mmn, amn, spn, unk, uhu, uiu,
spn_formatted, unk_formatted, uhu_formatted, uiu_formatted,
If no options are specified, all the files
(mmn, amn, spn, UNK, uHu, uIu
) are considered.
Binary (unformatted Fortran) files are supported, though not reccommended, since they are compiler-dependent. A safer choice is to use (bigger) formatted files, with options:
spn_formatted, uiu_formatted, uhu_formatted, unk_formatted
In default, the output format is the same as the input format. To
generate formatted files with unformatted input, use option:
[]{#sec:w90aaa label="sec:w90aaa"}
\(\tt{w90spn2spn.x}\)[]{#sec:w90spn2spn label="sec:w90spn2spn"}¶
The interface between ab-initio code and wannier90
) can produce a .spn
file that is used by postw90
calculate some spin related quantities.
The .spn
file can be written in a machine-dependent or a
machine-independent format depending on the input parameter
(the default is false
which means the .spn
file is
machine-dependent) of the pw2wannier90.x
. If a .spn
file has been
generated on a machine with machine-dependent format, and then one wants
to continue the calculation with postw90
on a different machine (or
with postw90
compiled with a different compiler), the file has to be
converted first in a machine-independent "formatted" format on the first
To this aim, use the w90spn2spn.x
executable. Note that this
executable is not compiled by default: you can obtain it by executing
make w90spn2spn
in the main wannier90
A typical use is the following:
Calculate the
file, e.g. bypw2wannier90.x
At the end of the calculation you will find a
file. If the file is "unformatted", run (in the folder with this file) the commandw90spn2spn.x -export seedname
or equivalently
w90spn2spn.x -u2f seedname
with the seedname of your calculation).This command reads the
file and creates a formatted fileseedname.spn.fmt
that is safe to be transferred between different machines. -
Copy the
file on the machine on which you want to runpostw90
. -
On this second machine (after having compiled
) runw90spn2spn.x -import seedname
or equivalently
w90spn2spn.x -f2u seedname
This command reads the
file and creates an unformatted fileseedname.spn
ready to be used bypostw90
. -
Run the
Note if spn_formatted
is set to true
in both pw2wannier90.x
input files, then the .spn
file will be written and read as
"formatted", so w90spn2spn.x
is not needed. However, if an
"unformatted" seedname.spn
has been created and you do not want to
rerun pw2wannier90.x
, then w90spn2spn.x
can be useful. Also, once a
"formatted" seedname.spn
has been generated, the step 4 can be skipped
if spn_formatted
is set to true
in postw90
input file
A python script to extract projectors from a UPF
file and write them
into a pw2wannier90.x
-recognizable dat
file, which can be used to
compute amn
using pseudo-atomic orbital projection.
path/write_pdwf_projectors.py UPF_filename
where path
is the path of utility
folder, UPF_filename
is the path
of a UPF
The script serves as a reference for writing the dat
file, you can
generate your own pseudo-atomic orbitals by some other codes and use
them to compute amn